Selasa, 27 September 2011

The danger behind the glass of fruit juice

Many people consider starting the day with a glass of fruit juice and vegetables is a healthy thing. However, for the health benefits of fruit juice is not as positive as you think. In certain circumstances, a healthful fruit juices are also storing dangers.

As reported by the Daily Mail, scientists claim that fruit juices contain too much sugar can actually increase the risk of cancer. Even when processed and packaged, many substances in the fruit that actually serves to protect the body from the tumor but disappeared.

Australian researchers have tried to reveal how effectively the benefits of various fruits, vegetables, and juices to prevent the development of colon cancer.

They examined questionnaires from 2,200 adults related to the food they eat everyday. The research team then tracked the respondent for two years to see the pattern of disease progression.
The result, those who eat fruits and vegetables like apples, sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli will reduce the risk of colon cancer. But surprisingly, those who consumed fruit juice has a higher risk of getting cancer.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that those who drank fruit juices more than three glasses a day were more likely to develop anal cancer, one form of bowel cancer.

The researchers believe that high sugar content in juice can trigger cancer cell growth. They also said that many substances are lost when the juice is processed such as fiber, vitamin C, and anti-oxidants. Yet, these substances can prevent the emergence of cancer.

Over the years, we are advised to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables, including a glass of juice. However, British researchers have claimed that the juice contains too much sugar. Scientists from Bangor University, Wales, said it was better than eating dried fruit juices. In fact, fresh squeezed fruit juice contains five teaspoons of sugar in each glass.

However, other diet experts say that one can not entirely avoid fruit juice because juice is much healthier than other beverages.

Nell Barrie from Cancer Research UK said, "This is not a major research and did not give us a definitive answer about what fruits and vegetables that give the impact of increased risk of colon cancer."
But certainly from the results of this study is the high-fiber foods may help reduce cancer risk. Perhaps it would be nice if you pick the fruit fresh squeezed juice without having to be consumed so that the fiber contained therein is not lost.

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