Selasa, 27 September 2011

1st Anti Mosquito Grill Bar = 100 Cigarettes

Anti-mosquito coils often be an option if anti-mosquito spray and electrically useless. Despite the powerful to kill a mosquito, anti-mosquito coils are one source of indoor pollution.
A study in Malaysia showed that pollution of the anti-mosquito coils burn the equivalent of 100 cigarettes. "Not many people know about it, but the damage that occurs in the lungs caused by an anti-mosquito coils burned with 100 cigarettes," said Director of Chest Research Foundation, Sandeep Salvi.

On air pollution and health conference organized by the Center for Science and Environment (CSE) with the Indian Council of Medical Research and the Medical Association of India, Salvi said that there is less awareness of the impact of pollution on human health.
According to another study in New Delhi, 55 percent of city residents lived within 500 meters of air pollution sources such as heavy traffic road vehicles or close to the industry.
Thus a population of approximately more vulnerable to pollution that may develop various health problems. To reduce more pollution pollute the air, he suggested that the industry moved out of town.

Speaking of outdoor pollution, Sanjeev How, chief executive Batra Hospital said, "Pollution of vehicles is a major concern for the environment." The incidence increased genetic disorder was closely associated with air pollution. "In India, two million children under the age of five die from respiratory problems every year," he further quoted as saying by the Times of India.

Listeria Bacteria alert at Fruit Melon

Enjoying winter melon is very refreshing in hot weather. But, be careful, recently found that melons contain listeria bacteria which can be toxic to the body and cause death.

Based on information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) there were 35 cases of poisoning in 10 states melon. This poison causes the four people died, one person in Oklahoma, one in Colorado and two in New Mexico.

As quoted from the pages of the Stir Cafemom, toxic honeydew which causes the death toll from Jensen Farms in Colorado. After these events arise, all products are shipped melons from 29 July to 10 September in 17 states drawn from the market. This makes the people of the world worry.

Listeria monocytogenes is a bacteria that can cause the disease listeriosis. These bacteria are commonly found in soil, where they mengonusmsi dead plant matter. When consumed, the bacteria alter their properties and are able to enter cells. Unless otherwise be controlled by the immune response, they can enter the bloodstream.

If the bacteria enter the bloodstream, the toxins can result in very serious listeria. Can enter the brain and nervous system, causing disability and even death. But the most dangerous listeria-contaminated food consumed by pregnant women, because it can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, premature, or cause death in newborns.

Listeriosis is most vulnerable to experienced adults, people with weakened immune systems, pregnant women and newborns.

If you just enjoy delicious melons and worry about contracting this bacteria, you should need to know the symptoms of listeriosis that may invade the body. Symptoms usually begin with fever, muscle aches, nausea and diarrhea.

The symptoms may look like a normal illness symptoms. And usually the symptoms will occur several days after eating contaminated food. However, it could also take up to two months.

If listeria infection spreads to the nervous system, symptoms will be different, could have a headache, stiff neck, confusion or changes in alertness experience, loss of balance and even seizures.

The danger behind the glass of fruit juice

Many people consider starting the day with a glass of fruit juice and vegetables is a healthy thing. However, for the health benefits of fruit juice is not as positive as you think. In certain circumstances, a healthful fruit juices are also storing dangers.

As reported by the Daily Mail, scientists claim that fruit juices contain too much sugar can actually increase the risk of cancer. Even when processed and packaged, many substances in the fruit that actually serves to protect the body from the tumor but disappeared.

Australian researchers have tried to reveal how effectively the benefits of various fruits, vegetables, and juices to prevent the development of colon cancer.

They examined questionnaires from 2,200 adults related to the food they eat everyday. The research team then tracked the respondent for two years to see the pattern of disease progression.
The result, those who eat fruits and vegetables like apples, sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli will reduce the risk of colon cancer. But surprisingly, those who consumed fruit juice has a higher risk of getting cancer.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that those who drank fruit juices more than three glasses a day were more likely to develop anal cancer, one form of bowel cancer.

The researchers believe that high sugar content in juice can trigger cancer cell growth. They also said that many substances are lost when the juice is processed such as fiber, vitamin C, and anti-oxidants. Yet, these substances can prevent the emergence of cancer.

Over the years, we are advised to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables, including a glass of juice. However, British researchers have claimed that the juice contains too much sugar. Scientists from Bangor University, Wales, said it was better than eating dried fruit juices. In fact, fresh squeezed fruit juice contains five teaspoons of sugar in each glass.

However, other diet experts say that one can not entirely avoid fruit juice because juice is much healthier than other beverages.

Nell Barrie from Cancer Research UK said, "This is not a major research and did not give us a definitive answer about what fruits and vegetables that give the impact of increased risk of colon cancer."
But certainly from the results of this study is the high-fiber foods may help reduce cancer risk. Perhaps it would be nice if you pick the fruit fresh squeezed juice without having to be consumed so that the fiber contained therein is not lost.

Measuring Cholesterol Levels Mean

Cholesterol is not all bad. This type of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is good cholesterol that works to clean and blood flow. Meanwhile, the evil is the low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which can accumulate in blood vessels and cause blockages.

Elevated levels of bad cholesterol can also occur due to elevated triglycerides, one of the fat in the blood that can damage arteries. Therefore, it is important to do blood tests at least every five years to measure the amount of cholesterol.

Here's a little guide to reading the figures on blood cholesterol levels:

Good: Less than 130 mg / dl
Better: Less than 100 mg / dl

To achieve normal limits?
Reduce eat: saturated fats, trans fats, foods high in cholesterol.
Expand eat: Monounsaturated fats (avocados, and omega 3, such as fish).
Do: Lose weight.

Good: 40 mg / dl or more
Better: 60 mg / dl or more

To achieve normal limits?
Eat less: Carbohydrates and sugars and processed products.
Expand eat: Monounsaturated fats (avocados, and omega 3, such as fish).
Do: Exercise, not smoking, and lose weight.

Good: Less than 150 mg / dl

To achieve normal limits?
Eat less: Carbohydrates and sugars and processed products, coconut milk, oil, and high-fat foods (peanuts).
Do: Lose weight.

Jemunak pleasure for Buka Puasa

There are various kinds of special food menu specialties sold only during Ramadan, one of which is Jemunak. Takjil can be obtained in the district of Magelang, Central Java - precisely in the Village of Mount Pring, located in District Muntilan.

Since the first day of fasting, people stormed the immediate vicinity of these foods. That's because, Jemunak has become a hereditary dish during Ramadan. One seller, Winarni, said if Jemunak not found in other areas, because it only sold in this village.

"Jemunak indeed authentic food menu here. Is selling even small amounts, "he said when met Winarni in place to sell in Bintaro, Mount Pring, Muntilan, Magelang.

He also explains what materials to make Jemunak, which is quite simple. Ie glutinous rice and cassava. Every day, Winarni need 1 pound glutinous rice and cassava around 3 kilograms.

Then, how to make it, the two materials ditanak for 1.5 hours. Once cooked, then pounded with lumpah ingredients until smooth textured. As a complement there is a solution of sugar or kincau, made ​​from palm sugar boiled with water.

Brown sugar which takes about 2.5 pounds and boil with enough water. Once melted, then kincau dilumeri above Jemunak previously been sprinkled with grated coconut.

"Jemunak served with grated coconut and sprinkled dilumeri kincau. It was a mix of savory and sweet, "said Winarni.

Price Jemunak portion is pretty cheap, Rp 1,000 to Rp 2,000 per pack. Winarni admitted jemunaknya merchandise can be sold out in just over an hour. "Normally open at 16.00, but about an hour was up. In fact, many buyers who do not miss out, "said Winarni.

Extreme menu: Insects, Scorpions, and Bees

Various methods are used to attract visitors to the culinary entrepreneurs eat a meal at the restaurant. In addition to the unique atmosphere, they often offer tempting dishes or even as extreme as that presented in a restaurant in England, 'Archipelago'.

In the midst of EU research on the nutritional content of the attack, the Telegraph journalist, Adam Lusher, try out a number of menus featuring the charm of insects the mix.

Here are three menus that he tried:

Salad Love Insects
This salad consists of grasshoppers and crickets fried in chili and onions, then served with spinach and aromatic vegetables. It was crisp, drag and bitter. Many insect legs with tiny eyes that stare makes this dish look bad appearance. The worse when touching sense of bitterness.

However, pomegranate and honey are buried at the bottom of the bowl a little to give hope. When mixed, the bitter taste of sweet change slowly faded charge. Honey glaze also makes cricket more like a shiny black buttons instead of the bodies of insects.

Chocolate covered scorpions
Scorpion baked for 20-30 minutes with a temperature of 180-200 degrees centigrade. Once cool, the insect dipped in chocolate.

When about to eat, Lusher got stuck while reading the warning call that the sting may be stuck in the esophagus. However, concerns that could not continue after the chef to make sure that the scorpion venom has been cleaned according to the rules of UK health.

Scorpions are farmed in China this feels crunchy when it entered the mouth with eight legs and outer skeleton fractions. Scorpions taste is much less pronounced chocolate flavor because it is dominated, however soft texture Lusher feel old when chewing.

In order to remove a strange impression in the mouth, Lusher chose a glass of dessert wine to neutralize.

Honey Bees creme brulee
This menu makes the honey bee as its main ingredient, which is taken at birth season. Collection of bees is served raw without the sting of the honey and biscuit tuille dibalur honeycomb covered in white chocolate. Rose water works highlight the flavors of mint on the bees.

The restaurant manager, Graham Belcher said the honey in this dish not only as a sweetener, but help keep the bees are easy to digest. "Bees have many feathers. Normally we do not tell customers this, "he said.